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Modify the ATOMIC MASSES and relative NUMBER FRACTIONS for the elements in the following list; your number-fractions input need not be normalized. Press "NORMALIZE" to normalize your input which also moves you to the next step, or "RESET" to reinitialize the values.

Symbol   Z   At. mass (a.u.) My Fraction Initial Fraction
H 1
He 2
C 6 0.245518
N 7 0.064578
O 8 0.512966
Ne 10 0.083210
Na 11 0.001479
Mg 12 0.026308
Al 13 0.002042
Si 14 0.024552
P 15 0.000195
S 16 0.011222
Cl 17 0.000219
Ar 18 0.002291
K 19 0.000091
Ca 20 0.001586
Ti 22 0.000075
Cr 24 0.000329
Mn 25 0.000170
Fe 26 0.021877
Ni 28 0.001293

These initial number fractions are set to the solar composition of Grevesse & Noels, 1993.

For more information about OPAL, contact:

Carlos Iglesias -- iglesias1@llnl.gov

Information date 2000 June 2.

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