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* atomic masses *


We list the atomic masses (atomic weights) used for these astrophysical opacity calculations from OPAL. These data are used to convert user-specified number fractions of the elements to mass fractions (X, Y, Z).

Element    Atomic Mass (a.u.)
  H             1.00790
  He            4.00260
  C            12.01100
  N            14.00670
  O            15.99940
  Ne           20.17900
  Na           22.98977
  Mg           24.30500
  Al           26.98154
  Si           28.08550
  P            30.97376
  S            32.06000
  Cl           35.45300
  Ar           39.94800
  K            39.09830
  Ca           40.08000
  Ti           47.90000
  Cr           51.99600
  Mn           54.93800
  Fe           55.84700
  Ni           58.70000

For more information about OPAL, contact:

Carlos Iglesias -- iglesias1@llnl.gov

Information date 1998 January 20.

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